extremely sorry for my toy neglected daughter….
I tell you this… she is not neglected.
I would be lying to say that my daughter only plays with all organic,
ergonomic, earth friendly, skill developing toys…. And absolutely
never plays with my iphone, or has never seen TV.
I would be lying to say that I have this GREAT parenting strategy and
spend hours carving out my time with my daughter…
Reality is… I have very little time and a few LARGE intentions.
*note – I can not take credit for any original thoughts here but
solely thoughts that have been gathered and plucked from everything
and everywhere*
One of my biggest intentions is that LESS is MORE.
Media/technology - I believe that our advancing, very in touch,
constantly plugged in society is constantly bombarding developed
brains every moment it can… but when it comes to DEVELOPING brains
this bombardment is something surreal. I do not belong to a weird sect
that does not believe in technology or media… nor do I condone having
media on 24/7. For our family it is finding the balance in this
bombardment. It is a delicate balance…. Exclusion and inclusion… it is
going to be such a reality for Joelle as she grows… that excluding her
from too much has the potential to do more social hindrance in her
social development then allowing limited amounts, with good
boundaries…. I have no answers. Right now… she can play on our
iphones… while shopping, watch home videos, and the odd you tube
video… and her "big movie" is despicable me. I think the RIGHT answer
for us is that we are AWARE and constantly checking ourselves for the
reason behind allowing screen time or media in.
I'm a bit anxious about the years to come. I feel out of touch with
reality…. But don't want to give in totally. I think it is totally ok
that Joelle has no idea who Rapunzel is or what a princess is. I think
it rocks that I don't know who just got kicked off of The Bachelor.
We have tried our best to eliminate as much media from our marriage as
well. Don't get me wrong we have a few shows we watch on our phones…
and we rent movies on our computer.
Really…. After my rants about lack of time…. Where would I find time
to watch TV every night?
Boils down to…. How is this benefitting me? INTENTION…. Being VERY CONCIOUS!!!
ohh this is a hard balancing game! there are days i know ivy has watched to much netflix, her personality changes, she acts differently. then we take a break! my big thing is no exposure to commercials, they are evil!! but she does watch movies, netflix and you tube, in a balanced way i think, i hope! parenting is so fun hey?