

I struggle with the mundane...

like today.

why does it have so much power over me? RE FRAME... why do i LET it have so much power over me?

my sister asked me today do i LOVE my job? is it okay not to LOVE your job but LIKE most of it. Do you need to be living and working in your dream job to be satisfied in your day to day. what if your mundane job could potentially lead to your dream job...

anyways... i like my job... i like the community of my work... i like my pension... i like the kids

i work with a tough group of kids ... but they need the most love and hope in the world.... believe it or not it is not them that i find mundane... it is sometimes the parents and supports who are not willing to try and receive new messages of how to love....

i LOVE being a mom.... although i get irritated...

i LOVE being a wife... although i get irritated

i am on a long road of LOVING ALL of me... although i find it VERY EASY to get irritated

being me - being true - being Jules is what i desire most...

because the ripples of this would reach lengths in my day to day... my marriage... my parenting... and my JOB.

it is the hardest road though... especially when you start re-learning it later in life.

i will embrace me...

You are sublimely, exactly, how you need to be at this moment


  1. hmm love that last line. this is a hard thing to do, good luck with this journey.

  2. I love the post. I think that loving your job is a very western ideal and does a great disservice...I mean most of the world would love to have a job at all. I think that we are raised to not be content because we are taught that we should find our perfect job, and perfect spouse, the perfect neighborhoods etc.

    However, nothing in this world is perfect. If instead we find God (goodness/love?) in the imperfect then we can live at peace.

    I think you are on the right road. I always say something along your last line to Caleb every night "I love you just as you are". I have come to realize that if in 20 years he can say nothing more than that his parents loved him unconditionally and respected who he was as a person, then we did our job as parents. Its much harder to do with adults and oneself.

  3. Totally agreeing with Courtney. Totally.

    Jobs are jobs. Why people need complete fulfillment out of something that pays the bills is beyond me. Liking your job is awesome and if you can love it, even better! However, if it's paying the bills and keeping food on the table and you're less than enamored with it, so be it. I like being a lifeguard but it's just a job. My real fulfillment comes from things outside of my paycheck.

    You kick butt kid. Don't ever let your brain tell you otherwise. And irritation is all good. Without it, oysters couldn't make pearls!
