

I have intentions... lots of them.... lots of them.  I am learning daily balance and to hold true what intentions trump others.

I intend to not get bogged down by the tiny things around me.

I intend to see the glass half full.

I intend to not try and rescue everybody's feelings but work on my own.

I intend to let go.

I have been reading a lot of little quotes and positive meditations lately. (lacking time to do much more)

This has been sticking with me the most

Let's spend more of our lives in the soulful times

let soak in it. believe in it. be true. be IN it.

our soul is what moves with us through life... what is going to shape my soul and give life to me, my marriage and my family. what is going to breath into my soul so that i feel freedom and refreshment? I need to focus more on me.... be selfishly willing to change.

the last six months have given me a lot to reflect on. with tears. with laughs. with frustration. with peace.

I want the last months not to be lost growth. I also do not to wish to repeat all of them. but want them to shape me.

Let life schoop you up and change you somehow!

1 comment:

  1. well said, well written.

    i intend to trust more in this journey. i am here, where i am, with all that i have for a reason. just go with it.

    thanks for the re-focusing you just gave me!
